The Quality Policy of Competitive Mind S.r.l., operating since 2012 in the sector of:
Aware of the importance and the need to make use of an internationally recognized Quality Management System, in order to guarantee the quality of the products and services provided and to achieve the satisfaction of all the Interested Parties, it has deemed it appropriate to conform its Quality System to the models proposed by UNI EN ISO 9001 edition 2015 and UNI ISO 20121.
The company believes with conviction that the qualification process can represent the ability of its organization to meet the requests and expectations expressed by all the parties involved, such as customers, trade associations, control bodies and any other structure involved in business processes and also users, organizers, the supply chain and communities during sustainable events.
Integrating the peculiarities of each of us and organizing the development process of each project will allow the company to offer excellent products and services, with a high time optimization. Improving the value chain will give customers, suppliers and partners the opportunity to maintain a level of excellence at different levels of the production cycle.
In a hyper-competitive market, certification will allow the company to differentiate itself on a different perceived quality level, especially on customers who support and implement our policy in the choice of suppliers.
The “Principles of sustainable development, declaration of intentions and values” relating to sustainable events are attached to this letter.
Additional Quality objectives are defined annually during the Management Review and, in order to achieve them, the Management undertakes to:
while encouraging innovation, creativity and evolution;
sustainable event from the phases of conception, design, implementation, monitoring, review and reporting, in order to pursue the approach of continuous improvement;
Competitive Mind S.r.l. has determined the external and internal factors relevant to its aims and strategic directions and which influence its ability to achieve the expected results for its SGI.
This assessment is contained in the “Context Analysis” document and is updated at least annually or as the factors analyzed change. This analysis leads to the Evaluation of Risks and Opportunities and the subsequent Improvement Plan.